Hops Nelson Sauvin 1kg A/A 11.6% NZ 2022

Nelson Sauvin hop pellets. NZ - A/A10.4%
A triploid variety bred from New Zealand variety “Smoothcone” and a selected New Zealand male. Developed at New Zealand HortResearch and released in 2000.
Early trials with Nelson Sauvin immediately revealed it to be somewhat different in its brewing character compared to other hop cultivars. This variety imparts certain grape like flavours to the beer; flavours which have yet to be positively identified, and are described as “Sauvignon Blanc, gooseberry, distinct, clean and fresh”. To acknowledge this “Sauvignon Blanc” flavour the variety was named Nelson Sauvin. Nelson Sauvin is a 12 % alpha hop, with aromatic qualities that are certainly different and unique.

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